Create Your own future now character
Take your place in the future now universe
The world of Future Now is always growing and expanding.
Now you can create your very own character to be a part of the Future Now universe!
To start, take our faction poll below.
Once you’ve taken our faction poll, creating your own OC is easy! We’ve created tons of resources for you to design your character, develop their story, and help them explore the year 2084.
Share your character with us by tagging @thisisfuturenow on Instagram or Twitter for a chance to receive an official Future Now relevancy score. And if we really like your creation, we’ll have our art team create an original graphic for your character! You’ll be featured on our Instagram page where we’ll also tag you as the creator!
Check out our first three audience created characters
We’ve combed through the submissions we’ve received so far and picked the best three!
Scarlet D’orleans
Created by Sabira Langevin.

Like this character on Instagram and increase the chance we feature them in an upcoming Future Now video.
Eloise Roussel
Created by Jo Meng.

Holland de jong
Created by Kels Biersteker.

Drop us a line and tell us the name and subfaction of your character in the comments! And make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and our newsletter so you never miss a video.
-- Scott Nihill, Diretor of Future Now
A Story World You Can Shape And Control