The Future Now series is centered around a mysterious destructive event - the Unraveling. While nobody in the story knows exactly what form the Unraveling will take, they do know it threatens all of humanity. Through each episode we explore a person, place or thing that the Ecclesia believe could be a cause of the Unraveling, while the five factions fight to make their vision of the future, reality.
Stories created using the Future Now world framework (currently in closed Alpha). Be the first to craft a tale inside of the Future Now universe. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive world building updates and creator resources.
This faction wants to keep our world from changing beyond recognition. How can they keep the elites from dominating the common people? Can they stop new technologies from destroying our way of life? Is it too late to turn back the clock and rediscover what makes us human?
In the future, the solar system will be colonized with the aid of millions of drones. Responsible for the harvesting of unfathomable amounts of minerals. But what if we lost control of these dutiful machines?
What if there was a secret society more powerful than any country or corporation? Dedicated to “guiding” humanity to the best possible future. How would they determine what’s best for all of us? What could they do to make that future real? How would they choose members? Would you join?
How did a penal colony for political dissidents end up as a monarchy sitting atop one of the galaxy’s most valuable resources? Welcome to Venus: home of the universe’s strangest and harshest colony.
The Off Worlders believe that the future of humanity does not reside on Earth but in the stars. The Earth is a doomed planet, and trying to save it is pointless. The only rational approach for the continuation of the human race is to push the boundaries of space exploration and find new homes. Will you join them on their interstellar journey?
The Paradisians operate on the belief that that we have the technology and the processes to create a sustainable society right now. It’s time that we got organized and changed the world because no one is going to make the world better but us. Will you join them in their fight to save the planet?
Tracks the rise of the Galaxy’s Cutest Pet, a competition show where scientists would present genetically engineered pets and celebrity judges would decide who is the cutest. It was a massive success, but a few pets gone awry ended the show and led to the destruction of an entire island city.
The Transhumanists are a diffuse faction with varying ideologies who all ultimately believe in one thing: the future of the human race does not exist in the human form. For "humanity" to survive it will need to become an altogether different species. The machines will save us, because we will be the machines. Will you join them in taking the next step up the evolutionary ladder?
Partying. Sex. Psychedelic drugs. International treason. All in a day's work on the Frihert. Home to the Acid-Love Space Vikings, this merry band of interstellar pranksters soar through our solar system escaping capture and hacking away with goal of taking down the powers-that-be.
A rundown of the world of Future Now: the state of the Earth in 2084, the major players fighting for control, and what you can do to help decide the fate of the future.