A comprehensive framework for crafting near future sci-fi


1 Introduction

The Source is a framework for creating near future sci-fi stories and is currently being development alongside the Future Now web-series.  Learn more about how to use this book COMING SOON

2 EVents: The Unraveling

The core dilemma plaguing the world in the year 2084. The Unraveling is a mysterious event that threatens to end humanity. But, will one thing cause The Unraveling, or could it be a confluence of many destructive events; climate catastrophe, rogue A.I., the war between Earth and its colonies, and more. Uncover all the issues most plaguing our future

3 The Five Factions

The battle for the future of humanity is being waged by five factions that represent at a macro level the key political, social, technological movements making up the state of humanity in the year 2084. Explore the groups battling for the future of humanity


We’re currently building out the Source framework alongside the development of the Future Now YouTube web-series. Join us on this adventure…

4 CharacterS: The Dossiers

Explore a diverse cross section of the people who together represent the world of Future Now and discover their relevance to the Unraveling. And learn how you can create your own character and have it impact the Future Now world. Explore the Character Dossiers

5 The Keys: the most powerful

Central to the Future Now story-world are individuals, with extraordinary abilities to influence their environment. And powerful actors who are interested in harnessing these harbingers for their own ends. Each season of Future Now will push this narrative forward. Read the origin stories now. Read the origin stories now.

6 TECHNOLOGY: The Source

The Future Now world is saturated in technology that is embedded in the environment and encrypted beyond the comprehension of any single human being. This is by design. Learn about a plethora of technology that has been built over the source including; The Fold, Virt Mining, The Mirror, Nartiv, and even the Future Now simulation controlled by the Ecclesia.

THE Ecclesia Deep Dive

On our community page we expand upon the Ecclesia, the futures secret elites. Our Patreon page is where you can watch our team of writers, futurists and artists build out the Future Now series and The Source Framework in real-time.

7 Locations: The Three Realms

By the year 2084, we’ve begun to colonize the resources of much of the Universe while creating an infinite number of virtual worlds for a plethora of purposes, from entertainment, to research, to surveillance and punishment. Dive deep into the world of 2084

8 TIMELINE: The History Of The Future

While the first season of Future Now is set in the year 2084, the series is really about the story of how we survived climate change, civil unrest, and runaway technological advances. Learn about how we navigated these challenges and more

9 Glossary: The Future Of Language

What if you traveled into the future and discovered that you didn’t understand a thing people were talking about? How might language evolve alongside technological progressions like; advanced artificial intelligence, virtual reality and time travel? Follow this guide and find out! COMING SOON