Ava MacQuarry
Future Now / World / Characters / Ava MacQuarry
Ava MacQuarry has the most thrilling job in the universe, traveling through space with her crew on the Integrity, mining asteroids and fighting off raiders. Known for her strength and intelligence, Ava is on the verge of earning a huge bonus and her own ship when disaster strikes. A raid by Space Vikings leaves her injured and trapped. Awakening in a mysterious facility surrounded by sleeping bodies, Ava's reality is shattered. Her quest to uncover the truth about her life and the nature of reality begins, promising a journey full of peril and revelation.
Read The Harbingers
Ava MacQuarry is a top performer in the off Earth mining boom, navigating a fiercely competitive landscape and earning big payouts. Her path intertwines with the Harbingers, and the Unraveling, a pivotal event destined to transform humanity’s future forever. Read Ava's First Chapter
The Future Now sourcebook is your guide to the world of 2084, serving as your handbook to the future. Dive deeper into Ava, The Off-Earth Mining Boom, The Harbingers and more. And in the process support independently produced sci-fi. More Info
Ava MacQuarry is a prominent figure in the off-world colonization industry of 2084, representing millions who mine the asteroid belt’s abundant resources. In this hyper-competitive, cutthroat environment akin to Wall Street, Ava and her crew navigate constant threats from rival miners and space raiders. Living in the cold, dark depths of space, their ship embedded in an asteroid, Ava’s team resembles a sitcom cast, fiercely competitive yet loyal like a sports team. Beneath this adventurous life lies a darker truth, unraveling through Ava’s journey, revealing the hidden complexities and dangers of their existence. Dive Deeper Into Ava’s World
Faction Allegiance:
Sub-faction: Extractionist
Off-Worlder (5): Ava is an Off-Worlder through and through, she finds fulfillment in her thrilling life among the stars. She faces every challenge head on in pursuit of the riches she desires.
Transhumanist (4): Ava aligns with Transhumanists due to her ability to communicate with machines, which aids her in breaking free from the constraints of virt mining.
Paradisian (1): As a true leader, Ava believes in rising together. When choosing between protecting herself and rescuing her crew she chooses her crew.
Ecclesian (0): Ava rejects the Ecclesia's authority and their controlling influence over humanity, preferring to forge her own path without being dictated to.
Traditionalists (0): Ava has no affinity for Traditionalist values; her ambitions and drive to achieve her dreams surpass any need for conventional structures like family or faith.
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Ava Macquarry has the most exciting job in the universe.
Ava and the crew of the Integrity, travel throughout space, mining planets and asteroids while fighting off raiders and rival crews. Only the smartest, strongest and toughest can make it as a Roughneck.
The risks are big, but the payoffs, and the post-haul parties are even bigger. Ava is on the cusp of earning a massive bonus and getting her own ship to captain when disaster strikes.
A Space Vikings raid leaves the Integrity damaged and Ava badly hurt - trapped in the wreckage, with flames all around her, Ava desperately calls for help.
Suddenly, she’s in a massive facility, hooked up to strange machines, surrounded by hundreds of sleeping bodies.
When Ava awakens she’s in a hospital bed at the nearest spaceport. Her story is dismissed, but Ava is sure of what she saw. Her quest to uncover the truth will change everything she thought she knew - about her life, about being a Roughneck, about the very nature of reality.
Story by {name}
The Harbingers Book written by Conor McCreery
Ava Thumbnail by Vivian
Art by Future Now Collective
World by Future Now Commons
An agent of change, and a symbol of hope. Nicknamed “Destroyer”, Elian is the most powerful member of the Harbingers, but has the least control over his abilities.