Future Now Systems
FN / Source: 2084 / Organizations / Future Now Systems
What if you could travel into the future and shape your destiny?
Future Now Systems offers the world’s most advanced predictive simulation, using your Life Path data to help achieve your dreams. As one of the most powerful organizations, Future Now's influence is vast, commanding global information networks.
But with such control, crucial questions arise: 'Is free will an illusion when a corporation dictates our future? Can society thrive under a single entity shaping every decision? Explore the benefits and ethical dilemmas of a world guided by Future Now.
The Unraveling: Future Now's Darkest Prediction
Future Now Systems, the entity securing our collective future, has lost its vision. Deep within its structure, members have discovered an event called The Unraveling, a confluence of unpredictable events leading to doom. Is this the end of humanity or a new beginning? Explore The Unraveling
The Future Now sourcebook is your guide to the world of 2084, serving as your handbook to the future. Dive deeper into Future Now Systems and more. And in the process support independently produced sci-fi. More Info
Future Now Systems, one of the most powerful corporations in 2084, controls the futures of the majority of the human population through its deep integration with top companies like Life Path, The Fold, and Universe Sim. By leveraging these partnerships, Future Now enables individuals to navigate and optimize their future for generations. However, the corporation faces a significant challenge with the Unraveling, an event that threatens its predictive capabilities. Powerful actors, including the Ecclesia, who hold a controlling stake in Future Now, are taking extreme measures to prevent this impending crisis. Read The Full Profile
FACTION Relationship
Ecclesia (6): A secret society of the world's most powerful individuals, guiding humanity using Future Now’s predictive technology to maintain stability and their control.
Off-Worlder (3): Utilize Future Now’s technology for planning mining operations and supply chains in space colonies.
Traditionalist (1): Distrust Future Now but rely on its data. They are skeptical of the system’s influence on their communities.
Transhumanist (0): Challenge Future Now’s grip on data and predictive technology, advocating for democratized tech like The MESH that empowers individuals.
Paradisian (0): Oppose Future Now, believing it stole technology from the Global Mind Project and perpetuates Ecclesian power, antithetical to their democratic socialist ideals.
An agent of change, and a symbol of hope. Nicknamed “Destroyer”, Elian is the most powerful member of the Harbingers, but has the least control over his abilities.