the World
Elian Gonzales
An agent of change, and a symbol of hope. Nicknamed “Destroyer”, Elian is the most powerful member of the Harbingers, but has the least control over his abilities.
Dr Lena Morris
Dr. Lena Morris, a neuroscientist in a small town, battles a ZombAI outbreak to save her daughter, risking everything as she descends into madness and desperation.
Ava MacQuarry
Ava and the crew of the Integrity mine asteroids and battle space raiders. She's on the brink of a massive bonus and her own ship when disaster strikes.
Levi Abrahmson
Levi Abrahmson was born a member of the Original Order - an isolated community that shuns technology. As the son of the head of the order, Levi is expected to: “speak rightly, act rightly and think rightly.” Levi has never left his village, but it’s all he wants to do.
Sinder Ojeda
Sinder is a 15-year-old genius codebreaker who is a resident of the Cove. Her main ambition: take down the woman who killed her mother.
Azadeh Kavenpour
Azadeh is a low-level worker at a massive tech corporation and discovers that she is much more than that. In fact, she might be the bridge between the current stage of humanity and the next.
Asher Jackson
Asher Jackson is part of a secret experiment designed to push humanity to the next stage of evolution. Asher is smarter than you, faster than you and stronger than you.
The Five Factions
What if five factions were steering society in a race to define the future of humanity? What if each of these castes had a distinct vision for what humanity would become? Each believes their vision will result in humanity's salvation - at least, how they define it.
The Traditionalists
This faction wants to keep our world from changing beyond recognition. How can they keep the elites from dominating the common people? Can they stop new technologies from destroying our way of life? Is it too late to turn back the clock and rediscover what makes us human?
The Drone King
In the future, the solar system will be colonized with the aid of millions of drones. Responsible for the harvesting of unfathomable amounts of minerals. But what if we lost control of these dutiful machines?
Future Now Systems
What if powerful predictive technology let everyone see their future? Introducing Future Now Systems: the world's most advanced prediction engine. What could go wrong when one corporation controls destiny?
Character Dossiers
The Dossiers are reports on characters from within the Future Now Universe that will have an outsized impact on the Unravelling. We created the Dossiers as a means for us to introduce the character stories we’re most excited about and get feedback from you the viewer.
The Unravelling
The Unravelling is coming. The world’s most powerful predictive engine has foreseen an apocalyptic event that could kill billions -- but what that Apocalypse is and what will cause it is still unclear.
The Ecclesia
What if there was a secret society more powerful than any country or corporation? Dedicated to “guiding” humanity to the best possible future. How would they determine what’s best for all of us? What could they do to make that future real? How would they choose members? Would you join?
The Venusian Colony
How did a penal colony for political dissidents end up as a monarchy sitting atop one of the galaxy’s most valuable resources? Welcome to Venus: home of the universe’s strangest and harshest colony.
The Off-Worlders
The Off Worlders believe that the future of humanity does not reside on Earth but in the stars. The Earth is a doomed planet, and trying to save it is pointless. The only rational approach for the continuation of the human race is to push the boundaries of space exploration and find new homes. Will you join them on their interstellar journey?
The Paradisians
The Paradisians operate on the belief that that we have the technology and the processes to create a sustainable society right now. It’s time that we got organized and changed the world because no one is going to make the world better but us. Will you join them in their fight to save the planet?
Galaxy’s Cutest Pet
Tracks the rise of the Galaxy’s Cutest Pet, a competition show where scientists would present genetically engineered pets and celebrity judges would decide who is the cutest. It was a massive success, but a few pets gone awry ended the show and led to the destruction of an entire island city.